Information technology is evolving continuously within many organizations where much attention is paid to the development of innovations, systems and applications. These development projects usually involve various parties. Because of the strategic importance of these types of projects, they must lead to the desired result.
In practice, however, it happens that there is no optimal cooperation between the parties, that the original goals of the project are gradually forgotten, or that the proposed solution does not match reality. The risks must be properly assessed and managed during every step in complex projects. As projects become larger, the number of pitfalls increases more than proportionally.
We have experience in uncovering and overcoming these pitfalls in your organization.

What we can offer you
- Participation in your IT projects in a variety of roles. Depending on your requirements, we examine which employee has the necessary expertise and experience to make a positive contribution to your project;
- Conduct of periodic project reviews, and advise on a manageable structure;
- Determination whether IT dependencies and risks are allowed for.
- By having insight into the pitfalls, you can adjust a project in time. This prevents the project missing deadlines with a possible overrun of the budget as a result.